Nadene Goldfoot
Know that Abraham, the first monotheist, father of Ishmael, traditionally the ancestor of the Arab peoples and Isaac, father of Jacob-Israel, was born in c1948 BCE. Until the boy king Tut's father, Akhenaten (c1350 BCE) , had his revelation of worshipping only one G-d, the Sun, primitive people had been worshipping a multitude of gods, and enjoyed doing so. Akhenaten was an anomaly, and his worship and plans of changing the religion of his people were not successful. Young King Tut went back to the old ways of their religion. This part of Egyptian history goes back to their 18th Dynasty from 1569-1350 BCE. His place in history comes after Moses who was born about 50 years before him in 1391-1393 BCE and died in 1271-1273 BCE before this Pharaoh. A pharaoh was looked upon as a god. Egyptians became polytheistic again with Tut. It suited their lifestyle, their economic structure of keeping people working.
Abram was visited by G-d, an unseen god, from his voice that he was hearing, and was given a preview of the future of his family. He was told that he would become the father of many nations at a time of his old age, which was hard for even him to believe. We understand that Abram's haplotype was J1 from the fact that present day Jewish Cohens carry this haplotype. So do many Arabs, such as the king of Jordan; Abdullah II with a slight deviation from the Jewish line.
Abram, at age 75, and his wife, Sarai, had left his home in Haran in Ur-kasdim (today in Iraq) because of G-d's dictum and traveled with his nephew, Lot, his brother's son (J1) to the land of Canaan. They traveled with all their possessions, including what he had amassed in wealth, and their offspring. It was only after reaching Canaan,and till they came to the site of Shechem and then the Plain of Moreh that they spotted some inhabitants of Canaan. Abram kept going onward till he came to the mountain east of Beth-el on the west and Ai on the east and put down his tent. There he built an altar to G-d. Being curious, he then proceeded to travel toward the south.
Now, Canaan was the name for Syria back in the 15th to 13th centuries. It also applied to the coast of Eretz Yisral which was called Palestine after 135 CE by the Romans who had burned down Jerusalem and its Temple. The Israelites, led by Moses and before entering, by Joshua from Egypt, had conquered the land, in English called The Land of Israel, and the northern part was called Aram/Syria. Traditionally, the Canaanites descended from Canaan, son of Ham that had turned into 11 different peoples who lived between the Nile and the Euphrates. Canaanites at this period of time were a mixture of the Horites, Hittites (who were always attacking the Egyptians) and Hebrews and dated back to the 17th century of the Hyksos period. When the Israelites reclaimed the land, the Canaanites were almost entirely obliterated or assimilated, not only by the invading Israelites but also by the Philistines along the coast, Arameanas in the north, and the remnants were subjected by kings David and Solomon and subsequently absorbed. They as a people no longer existed.
Abram and Sarai were nomadic people on the verge of settling down. When there was a famine in the land, he and Sarah went into Egypt, begging her to call him a brother and not a husband, for she was beautiful-though old, and he was afraid of being killed in order to steal her away by the Egyptians. Living through that escapade, they returned to Eretz Yisrael/Canaan with much livestock, silver and gold. He traveled towards Beth-el where his first tent had been pitched where he had also built an altar.
Lot, his nephew also had gained livestock of flocks and cattle and tents. His herdsman fought with Abram's herdsmen. Canaanites and Perizzites lived in this land as well and it's possible that the herdsmen came from these people. Abram tells Lot to go his way and he'll go the opposite way.
Lot chose the whole plain of the Jordan River to reside. Abram stayed in the land of Canaan and Lot lived in the cities of the plain, being nomadic by pitching his tents as far as the city of Sodom, a city full of wicked and sinful people. Also quite nomadic, Abram moved his tent and lived in the plains of Mamre in Hebron, and built an altar there, too.
There were people with kings in this land. Canaan was made up of little cities with kings. These 4 kings made war on another group of kings.
1. Amraphel, king of Shinar
2. Arioch, king of Ellasar
3. Chedorlaomer, king of Elam
4. Tidal, king of Goilim
They made war on the following:
1. Bera, king of Sodom
2. Birsha, king of Gomorrh
3. Shinab, king of Admah
4. Shemeber, king of Zeboiim
5. Zoar, king of Bela
At one time they all had been united at the Valley of Siddim (Salt Sea) under Chedorlaomer for 12 years, but then rebelled for 13 years. The next year Chedorlaomer and the 3 kings who stayed with him attacked
1. the Rephaim at Ashteroth-karnaim
2. the Zuzim in Ham
3. the Emim at Shaveh-kiriathaim
4. the Horites at Seir mountains
They had expanded as far as the Plain of Paran by the desert, turned back and came to En-mishpat (Kadesh). Then they struck all the land of the Amalekites and the Amorites who lived in Hazazon-tamar.
The king of Sodom and his 4 other partners fought the kings Amraphel and his 3 partners in the Valley of Siddim. The Valley of Siddim was full of bitumen (an asphalt of Asia Minor used in ancient times as a cement and mortar, like tar) wells and Sodom's king and pals fled and fell into them. Others fled to the mountain and took all of Sodom and Gomorrah's wealth and food and left. It was then that they kidnapped Lot and all his possessions. Of course Abram was told about it and his allies were Mamre, the Amorite, brother of Eshcol and brother of Aner. He had his workers, born during his life in his house, 318 of them, and they chased the kidnappers as far as Dan. They struck them at night, and chased them to Hobah which was north of Damascus and rescued them all including Lot, women and the rest of the men.
When Abram returned from defeating Chedorlaomer and his group in the Valley of Shaveh (king's valley), the king of Sodom met him there. He escorted Abram to the king of Salem, Malchizedek, who brought out bread and wine. He was also a priest of G-d, the Most High, identified as Shem, son of Noah. This is the interpretation from Ramban, biblical commentator. Evidently Malchizedek was different from other priests of the day who served angels. Malchizedek had also evidently had the revelation of there being only one G-d.
The priest gave Abram a 10th of all the possessions he brought back. The king of Sodom wanted all the people and gave the possessions to Abram. Abram nixed the offers and only accepted for his allies, their share and food they had eaten and nothing for himself. He didn't want to be beholding to this king of such an evil city.
The descendants of Abram were to be given the land from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates; with the Kennite, Kenizzite, Kadmonite, Hittite, Perizzite, Rephaim, Amorite, Canaanite, Girgashite and Jebusite. One can see that there were many groups of people living in the land. Not all were of one people. They were fighters, used to forming gangs and beating up on each other.
After 10 years of living in Canaan, Abram still had no children up to this point with his wife and niece, Sarai, so took Hagar, her handmaid who was actually an Egyptian princess. Sarai planned on adopting a child of Hagar. When expecting a child, Hagar held this fact over Sarai, angering her by remarking about Sarai's age. Thus, the 2 women did not get along anymore because Hagar no longer acted the part of a servant to Sarai. Hagar bore Ishmael (J1haplogroup) Abram was already 86 years old at the time.
When Abram was 99, he learned through G-d that his name was now to be Abraham and he and Sarai-changed to Sarah, would have a son, Isaac. Sarah would bear the ancestor of kings. Sarah would be 90 years old giving birth for the 1st time to Isaac.
This no doubt is the group that went into Egypt during the next famine 30 years after the prophesy from G-d to Abraham starting with the birth of Isaac. They were in Egypt for a total of 400 years:
20 years Jacob was with Laban in Haran
200 years of literal exile in Egypt
116 years of Egyptian servitude of which last 86 years time of harsh oppression when Pharaoh intensified the suffering of the Ivrim, Abraham's descendants from Jacob.
After these 400 years came the freeing by Moses called the Exodus and Abraham's offspring took back possession of his original land, Canaan. All the slaves held by the Egyptians went with the 12 tribes who also became the future Jewish people. This accounts for the haplotypes that differ from J1. There is found today among the Jews, J2 as well, and E, G, I, R1a, R1b and Q for males.
Jewish haplogroups other than J1 therefore came from people who were attached to Abraham and stayed with the family, even in going into Egypt and out during the Exodus, or they could have been slaves taken by Egypt who also had become part of the Exodus of Jacob's descendants. It has been found through DNA that "the male ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews could be traced mostly to the Middle East, refuting the belief that Ashkenazis are not real Jews and the political idea of some that they do not belong back there in the creation of Israel again in 1948 CE.
Also, "Jews (Ashkenazi and Sephardi) are more genetically similar to groups in northern Fertile Crescent (Kurds, Turks and Armenians) than to Arabs. The common genetic Middle Eastern background (of Jewish populations ) predates the ethnogenesis in the region and concludes that the Y chromosome pool of Jews is an integral part of the genetic landscape of Middle East."
1. E originated 50,000 years ago with groups from Middle East, those near Mediterranean, represent ancient genetic influence from Middle East to Europe. E1b1b (formerly E3b) is 2nd highest among Jews after J1. " It is found in moderate amounts in all Jewish populations, from Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Kurdish, Yemen, Samaritan and even among Djerba Jewish groups."
4. J, J2, J1 originated 10,000-15,000 years ago in Middle East Fertile Crescent including Jews, Arabs, Armenians, Kurds, and in Iran and Iraq; J2 in Mediterranean, India, Cohen Modal is J1. Cohens were descendants of Aaron, brother of Moses who was designated high priest in the Temple with responsibilities, a few still carried out today. 21 haplogroups have been found in Cohens evidently besides J1 "Five of them comprise 79.5% of all haplogroups of Cohen." In a summary by geneticists, they said of Cohens: " Our estimates of the coalescence time also lend support to the hypothesis that the extended CMH represents a unique founding lineage of the ancient Hebrews that has been paternally inherited along with the Jewish priesthood."
5. Q, Q1b1a, originated 15,000-20,000 years ago, migrated through northern Eurasia into area of Ur. 5% of today's Jews have this.
6. R, R1, R2 originated 30,000-35,000 years ago; T, common in Europe, Western Eurasia, R2 in India, Iran, central Asia. R1a perhaps with Khazarian Jews. domesticated horses, Levites found with this haplogroup, R1b is the most common in Europe from 10,000-12,000 years ago (Atlantic Modal Haplotype). Egyptian King Tut thought to be R1, and R1b are in 10% of Ashkenazi Jews.
Tanakh (Jewish Bible) Genesis 13: 1-17:23.The Stone Edition, ArtScroll Series, Mesorah Heritage Foundation E haplogroup information
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
Know that Abraham, the first monotheist, father of Ishmael, traditionally the ancestor of the Arab peoples and Isaac, father of Jacob-Israel, was born in c1948 BCE. Until the boy king Tut's father, Akhenaten (c1350 BCE) , had his revelation of worshipping only one G-d, the Sun, primitive people had been worshipping a multitude of gods, and enjoyed doing so. Akhenaten was an anomaly, and his worship and plans of changing the religion of his people were not successful. Young King Tut went back to the old ways of their religion. This part of Egyptian history goes back to their 18th Dynasty from 1569-1350 BCE. His place in history comes after Moses who was born about 50 years before him in 1391-1393 BCE and died in 1271-1273 BCE before this Pharaoh. A pharaoh was looked upon as a god. Egyptians became polytheistic again with Tut. It suited their lifestyle, their economic structure of keeping people working.
Abram was visited by G-d, an unseen god, from his voice that he was hearing, and was given a preview of the future of his family. He was told that he would become the father of many nations at a time of his old age, which was hard for even him to believe. We understand that Abram's haplotype was J1 from the fact that present day Jewish Cohens carry this haplotype. So do many Arabs, such as the king of Jordan; Abdullah II with a slight deviation from the Jewish line.
Abram, at age 75, and his wife, Sarai, had left his home in Haran in Ur-kasdim (today in Iraq) because of G-d's dictum and traveled with his nephew, Lot, his brother's son (J1) to the land of Canaan. They traveled with all their possessions, including what he had amassed in wealth, and their offspring. It was only after reaching Canaan,and till they came to the site of Shechem and then the Plain of Moreh that they spotted some inhabitants of Canaan. Abram kept going onward till he came to the mountain east of Beth-el on the west and Ai on the east and put down his tent. There he built an altar to G-d. Being curious, he then proceeded to travel toward the south.
Israelites entering Canaan led by Joshua since Moses died just before |
Abram and Sarai were nomadic people on the verge of settling down. When there was a famine in the land, he and Sarah went into Egypt, begging her to call him a brother and not a husband, for she was beautiful-though old, and he was afraid of being killed in order to steal her away by the Egyptians. Living through that escapade, they returned to Eretz Yisrael/Canaan with much livestock, silver and gold. He traveled towards Beth-el where his first tent had been pitched where he had also built an altar.
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Lot pointing in the direction he'll move to in order to keep peace between their herdsmen. Abraham will remain where he is. |
Lot chose the whole plain of the Jordan River to reside. Abram stayed in the land of Canaan and Lot lived in the cities of the plain, being nomadic by pitching his tents as far as the city of Sodom, a city full of wicked and sinful people. Also quite nomadic, Abram moved his tent and lived in the plains of Mamre in Hebron, and built an altar there, too.
There were people with kings in this land. Canaan was made up of little cities with kings. These 4 kings made war on another group of kings.
1. Amraphel, king of Shinar
2. Arioch, king of Ellasar
3. Chedorlaomer, king of Elam
4. Tidal, king of Goilim
They made war on the following:
1. Bera, king of Sodom
2. Birsha, king of Gomorrh
3. Shinab, king of Admah
4. Shemeber, king of Zeboiim
5. Zoar, king of Bela
At one time they all had been united at the Valley of Siddim (Salt Sea) under Chedorlaomer for 12 years, but then rebelled for 13 years. The next year Chedorlaomer and the 3 kings who stayed with him attacked
1. the Rephaim at Ashteroth-karnaim
2. the Zuzim in Ham
3. the Emim at Shaveh-kiriathaim
4. the Horites at Seir mountains
They had expanded as far as the Plain of Paran by the desert, turned back and came to En-mishpat (Kadesh). Then they struck all the land of the Amalekites and the Amorites who lived in Hazazon-tamar.
The king of Sodom and his 4 other partners fought the kings Amraphel and his 3 partners in the Valley of Siddim. The Valley of Siddim was full of bitumen (an asphalt of Asia Minor used in ancient times as a cement and mortar, like tar) wells and Sodom's king and pals fled and fell into them. Others fled to the mountain and took all of Sodom and Gomorrah's wealth and food and left. It was then that they kidnapped Lot and all his possessions. Of course Abram was told about it and his allies were Mamre, the Amorite, brother of Eshcol and brother of Aner. He had his workers, born during his life in his house, 318 of them, and they chased the kidnappers as far as Dan. They struck them at night, and chased them to Hobah which was north of Damascus and rescued them all including Lot, women and the rest of the men.
When Abram returned from defeating Chedorlaomer and his group in the Valley of Shaveh (king's valley), the king of Sodom met him there. He escorted Abram to the king of Salem, Malchizedek, who brought out bread and wine. He was also a priest of G-d, the Most High, identified as Shem, son of Noah. This is the interpretation from Ramban, biblical commentator. Evidently Malchizedek was different from other priests of the day who served angels. Malchizedek had also evidently had the revelation of there being only one G-d.
The priest gave Abram a 10th of all the possessions he brought back. The king of Sodom wanted all the people and gave the possessions to Abram. Abram nixed the offers and only accepted for his allies, their share and food they had eaten and nothing for himself. He didn't want to be beholding to this king of such an evil city.
The descendants of Abram were to be given the land from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates; with the Kennite, Kenizzite, Kadmonite, Hittite, Perizzite, Rephaim, Amorite, Canaanite, Girgashite and Jebusite. One can see that there were many groups of people living in the land. Not all were of one people. They were fighters, used to forming gangs and beating up on each other.
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Sarai bringing Hagar to Abraham |
When Abram was 99, he learned through G-d that his name was now to be Abraham and he and Sarai-changed to Sarah, would have a son, Isaac. Sarah would bear the ancestor of kings. Sarah would be 90 years old giving birth for the 1st time to Isaac.
This no doubt is the group that went into Egypt during the next famine 30 years after the prophesy from G-d to Abraham starting with the birth of Isaac. They were in Egypt for a total of 400 years:
20 years Jacob was with Laban in Haran
200 years of literal exile in Egypt
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Slaves making bricks in Egypt. Israelite slaves built a storage city in Egypt, not the pyramids. 2650 BCE is when the 1st pyramid was built, way before Moses was born. |
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Moses, who was Abraham's great, great, great grandson, led the Exodus from Egypt (1393-1273 BCE) The Exodus has been also figured to have happened from 1518 BCE by an astronomer. |
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Parting of the sea for crossing |
Jewish haplogroups other than J1 therefore came from people who were attached to Abraham and stayed with the family, even in going into Egypt and out during the Exodus, or they could have been slaves taken by Egypt who also had become part of the Exodus of Jacob's descendants. It has been found through DNA that "the male ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews could be traced mostly to the Middle East, refuting the belief that Ashkenazis are not real Jews and the political idea of some that they do not belong back there in the creation of Israel again in 1948 CE.
Also, "Jews (Ashkenazi and Sephardi) are more genetically similar to groups in northern Fertile Crescent (Kurds, Turks and Armenians) than to Arabs. The common genetic Middle Eastern background (of Jewish populations ) predates the ethnogenesis in the region and concludes that the Y chromosome pool of Jews is an integral part of the genetic landscape of Middle East."
1. E originated 50,000 years ago with groups from Middle East, those near Mediterranean, represent ancient genetic influence from Middle East to Europe. E1b1b (formerly E3b) is 2nd highest among Jews after J1. " It is found in moderate amounts in all Jewish populations, from Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Kurdish, Yemen, Samaritan and even among Djerba Jewish groups."
2. G originated about 30,000 years ago along eastern edge of Middle East; 7% of Ashkenazi Jews 1/3 of Moroccan Jews have this. Also, NE Europe has Jews with this.
3. I originated, traces in Middle East4. J, J2, J1 originated 10,000-15,000 years ago in Middle East Fertile Crescent including Jews, Arabs, Armenians, Kurds, and in Iran and Iraq; J2 in Mediterranean, India, Cohen Modal is J1. Cohens were descendants of Aaron, brother of Moses who was designated high priest in the Temple with responsibilities, a few still carried out today. 21 haplogroups have been found in Cohens evidently besides J1 "Five of them comprise 79.5% of all haplogroups of Cohen." In a summary by geneticists, they said of Cohens: " Our estimates of the coalescence time also lend support to the hypothesis that the extended CMH represents a unique founding lineage of the ancient Hebrews that has been paternally inherited along with the Jewish priesthood."
5. Q, Q1b1a, originated 15,000-20,000 years ago, migrated through northern Eurasia into area of Ur. 5% of today's Jews have this.
6. R, R1, R2 originated 30,000-35,000 years ago; T, common in Europe, Western Eurasia, R2 in India, Iran, central Asia. R1a perhaps with Khazarian Jews. domesticated horses, Levites found with this haplogroup, R1b is the most common in Europe from 10,000-12,000 years ago (Atlantic Modal Haplotype). Egyptian King Tut thought to be R1, and R1b are in 10% of Ashkenazi Jews.
Tanakh (Jewish Bible) Genesis 13: 1-17:23.The Stone Edition, ArtScroll Series, Mesorah Heritage Foundation E haplogroup information
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
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