Nadene Goldfoot The Palestinians are now trying to say that Jews have no history to the Western Wall aka Wailing Wall in Jerusalem where Jews go to pray. They have a lot of Arab support in the UN and are presenting their own version of the history of Jerusalem. They recognize only the Islamic connection to the Holy City, City of David, Jerusalem.
View of Western Wall lower right and above is Temple Mount with Mosque in Center |
These Arabs are trying to make out that the Western Wall is part of Islam's al-Aqsa Mosque. To do this, they have presented a terrible resolution, showing they know nothing about history pre-Islam's Mohammed. "
The proposal is contained in a draft resolution to the executive board of UNESCO
, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The agency formally designates cultural treasures around the world." The Palestinians got 6 states behind this proposal; "Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates." I am truly surprised at Egypt for doing this since they are at peace with Israel. This is a terrible thing to propose to a friend. I suppose we should claim the pyramids in Egypt being Jewish slaves built them, then, and a few cities. Here are some facts they are repressing in everyone's minds that they administer.
. After 400 years of slavery in Egypt, Moses came along in 1351 BCE and took the Israelites out of bondage and headed for their old home in Canaan. After 40 years of wandering, they arrived in 1271BCE when Moses died and was buried outside the land and then Joshua took over.
Joshua, fighting to possess Canaan |
The 12 tribes of Jacob, aka Israel, were told where to settle using Moses's plan, administered by Joshua. 650,000 had started on the Exodus.
The 1st census taken showed 603,550 people
The 2nd census taken showed 601,730 people with a loss of 1,820 from the 40 year march.
Joshua, Judge of Israel |
The people were first ruled by Judges,
Joshua of the tribe of Ephriam, in about 1270 BCE being the first. He was followed by 15 more; Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah and Barak, Gideon, Abimelech, Tola, and Jair.
Deborah, a Judge |
Then they had the Ammonite rule of Jephitah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson, Eli and Samuel, all Jewish judges.
King Saul died fighting the Philistines and so did his 3 sons. |
The people saw that their neighbors had kings, so clamoured and insisted on being governed by one, also.
Saul was chosen as the first king in the 1000s BCE, son of Kish of the tribe of Benjamin. The Israelites were in danger militarily from the Philistines and Ammonites. Samuel, a judge and prophet, had chosen Saul. They had a victory and defended themselves against the Philistine danger and fought off the Moabites, Ammonites, and Arameans.
The next king was
David who ruled from 1010 BCE to 970 BCE. He was the youngest son of Jesse of the tribe of Judah, and was born in Bethlehem. He had been Saul's armor-bearer and became Saul's son in law by marrying his daughter, Michal.
David's son,
Solomon was the next king from 961-920 BCE and his mother was Bathsheba. Politically, Solomon was called the King of Peace and was able to build the 1st Temple. He had 1,000 wives and concubines. Solomon was able to rest due to his father's achievements to protect the realm which extended from Egypt to the Euphrates and was the most energetic in the entire region. Less war meant they were able to develop in the cultural sphere of the arts of historiograph, parables, and elegant writing developed as well as several biblical works such as Song of Songs, Ecclesiates, Psalm 72. Solomon was widely known for his wisdom. Who hasn't heard the story of how he decided between 2 women as to who a baby belonged? He used psychology.
When Solomon died in 920 BCE, the southern half of Israel broke off to create Judah from which Jews take their name. They kept Jerusalem as their capital while Israel took Samaria. Israel chose an Ephraimite to be king, J
eroboam, while Judah had as king a son of King Solomon,
Rehoboam. Both started serving in 933 BCE.
Israelites being led away by Assyrians. Israel lost territory of land east of Jordan River, Galilee, and Philistia, Tyre, Moab and Edom became Assyrian provinces. Shalmaneser took Samaria and Sargon captured it in 721 BCE |
Assyria attacked Israel in 722-721 BCE and led Israelites into captivity.
Hoshea was the king at the time, and his reign ended in 721 BCE.
Sargon annexed the country, and deported 27,290 Israelites to Assyria and Media. He replaced them with Syrian and Babylonian prisoners.
He was the last king of Israel which had lasted from 1271 BCE with the take-over of the land as dictated to do by G-d to 721 BCE, a total of 550 years. Remember that the USA is only 239 years old. If we even counted from 1620 when the first pilgrim ship, the Mayflower landed, it would only be 395 years of being on the North American land.
Nebuchadnezzar |
As for Judah, they were able to have another 124 years of happiness before the Babylonians with their king
Nebuchadnezzar came along in 597 BCE and also carted away Jews into captivity. They did more damage in 586 BCE by repeating their actions. .Judah's last king was
Zedekiah whose reign ended in 586 BCE. Counting Israel's days of which Judah was part of and adding on these 124 more years, this gives the Judeans or Jews, the land lasting
674 years of continuance- but not ending the time Jews live here. That has been going on with a smaller Jewish population that has been under many countries' powers, but hasn't turned into another county such as Palestine.
Working on Temple in Jerusalem after destruction |
The Temple was rebuilt and called the 2nd Temple from 538 to 515 BCE.
General Bar Kokhba; Bar Kosiba Simeon, nephew of Rabbi Eleazar of Modiin, descendant of King David |
Palestine was simply the name of the land that the Romans gave it after fighting against the
Jewish General Bar Kokhba for 3 years from 132 to 135 CE, the longest battle they had had. They were so angry about it that they referred to the land from then on by the name of
Palaestina, denoting the land of the Jewish enemy, the Philistines. Herodatus as called it
Palaistine, and
Palestine was the name the Ottoman Empire referred it as for 400 years, ending their hold when they lost WWI in 1917 as their entire empire was lost except Turkey.
However, the tribe of Judah, the largest of the 12 tribes, was filled in with the tribe of Benjamin, and they all were able to live and continue on the land. The Romans came along and occupied the land in 63 BCE. They put in their choice of leaders from the Jewish population, and
Herod was chosen as king.
70 CE, destruction of 2nd Temple and Jerusalem, scattering of Jews who were kept out by Romans |
The Romans destroyed Jerusalem and burned the 2nd Temple down in 70 CE, 133 terrible years after entering. They had ruled with an iron hand, hanging thousands of Jews on crosses for minor infringements of their power and rule, including the Christian leader, Jesus.
Assigned areas where 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel) lived in Eretz Yisrael |
Eretz Yisrael, The Jewish Homeland itself, had been the home of the Jewish people from the time of Joshua entering in 1271 BCE till 70 CE, a total of 1,291 years, and the Palestinians are trying to say that we have no historical claim on the Western Wall, a wall attached to the Temple Mount.
2nd Temple of Solomon |
The Western Wall/ Wailing Wall, or Kotel Maaravi, is part of the wall that was around Herod's Temple which was still standing in the Old City of Jerusalem so near the 2nd Temple, built by the returnees from Babylon from 538 to 515 BCE, 23 years of rebuilding .
The 5 lower courses, each over 3 feet high, date back from the time of King Herod (ruled from 73 BCE to 4 BCE), son of an Idumean father named Antipater and a Nabatean mother named Cypros, and appointed by the Roman Senate. The Romans allowed him to handle internal affairs but not foreign policy.
Herod |
The wall continues over 60 feet underground. He had rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem on a magnificent scale and erected the 2 new cities of Sebaste and Caesarea.
Where Jews go first in Jerusalem; to the Wall |
However, he was not a beloved king by the Jewish people. The Jews were still attached to their former Hasmonean rulers that had been ousted. Taxation was most heavy because of Herod's extravagance and because of Mark Antony demanding large sums from his protege. Herod was known to murder his rivals and even had his own wife, Mariamne, murdered along with their 2 sons, Alexander and Aristobulus and his firstborn, Antipater. He had learned well from the Romans.
Because it is close to the Temple Mount which holds the Jewish Holy of Holies of the 2nd Temple, this part of the wall was regarded as sacred as far back as the Talmudic Period. Since the 10th century, regular services were held before it. As the area in front of the Western Wall was Moslem property, a serious dispute broke out between Jews and Moslem in 1929, when the British were holding the mandate for Palestine. Rioting broke out and Moslems were killing Jews.
Then in 1931, a special commission of the League of Nations regulated the rights of the parties. From 1948, Jews were cut off from the Western Wall, which was under Jordanian control since their King Abdullah confiscated 80% of the Jewish Homeland and England allowed it to happen.
This happened despite a paragraph in the Israel-Jordan 1949 Armistice Agreement affirming Jewish right of access. From 1948, Jews could not visit their wall until they had won the 1967 Six Day War. Jordan had teamed up with other Arab countries against little Israel so lost that section of Jerusalem.  |
1967-Dancing in front of Western Wall in joy |
The Wall has been since then under Jewish sovereignty for the 1st time since the 2nd Temple Period. On Shavuot 1967, the 1st day the Wall could be visited by the public, 200,000 people went there, and since then is a focal point for Jews from all over the world to visit and pray. Finally, East Jerusalem, the part Jordan had held till the 1967 War, was reunified in June 1967 with West Jerusalem. They are now under one mayor.
As for any Islamic connection the Arabs have to East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, this is what happened. During the siege of Jerusalem during the Roman war, the 2nd Temple served as a center of military activity, and was destroyed by the conquering Romans in 70 CE. A Roman Temple was later built on the site over it.. Since Mohammad died in 632 CE and his men spread out to conquer the world and spread Islam, a mosque,
al Harim ash -Sherif, has stood there where the 2nd Temple had stood and was built by
Caliph Abd al-Malik around the year 738 CE to replace the temporary structure set up by
Caliph Omar a century earlier, called the
Mosque of Omar/Dome of the Rock.. Supposedly Mohammad flew there on his flying horse before he died to see the mosque. Omar was the 2nd caliph and ruled from 634 to 644. It was during his reign that Palestine and Syria were conquered, and also Mesopotamia. On his orders, most of the Jews were expelled from northern Arabia. That's it. That is the Islamic connection to Jerusalem's Temple Mount. That's why Moshe Dayan was nice enough to let the Jordanian religious leader have dominion over their mosque site.
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
facts about israel by Division of information, ministry for foreign affairs, Jerusalem
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