30 Days of Real Life Campaign #30DRL

Note: This essay is dedicated to my wife, Lina, as well as to her friends -- especially Amanda Merrell -- who are currently conducting the “30 Days of Real Life” (#30DRL) campaign on Facebook. I love what you are doing, Ladies, and wish to add a few cents to the fire of your authentic efforts.

Real Life is Hard 

No matter how good things may appear on a person’s Facebook wall, real life is HARD, and can sometimes get messy and ugly for even the best of us. I know this is true, not because I am one of the “best of us,” but because regardless how many Facebook pictures and posts that may suggest otherwise, my life is often hard, and sometimes gets messy and ugly—just like everyone else’s.

This article reflects on the “pictures” of life that we are hesitant to post on Facebook or Instagram, but that are just as real as the images we choose to share with the world via our ever-broadening circle of virtual friends.

Happy Birthday!
Just yesterday, I posted a lovely “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” tribute to my beautiful, wonderful, talented, intelligent, dearly beloved, and semi-sweet (inside joke) wife. In doing so, I searched my photo collection to find the most beautiful picture of Lina I could possibly find. This – of course – is the picture I decided to post, along with another pic of the two of us mirthfully laughing in each other’s arms and looking as though are lives were one unremitting span of connubial bliss....  If only!

Before I share “the rest of the story” in the spirit of the #30DRL campaign, I wish to note that Lina really is beautiful, wonderful, talented, etc. It is also true that we really do have a wonderful marriage, and I really am the luckiest man in the world to have found her and convinced her to marry me. It is also true that the Good Lord has exceedingly blessed and prospered our individual and collective lives as we have strived to follow the example of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that all of this is only PART of the story of our lives. It is the BEST part about our lives, and is therefore the part we are most eager to expose online and/or share with others—and rightfully so. No one wants to be friends with someone who is always airing their dirty laundry for others to see—and smell. There’s nothing attractive or inspiring about that. I am not writing this article in an effort to encourage people to start plastering newsflashes and photos detailing their problems all over social media (that is, unless you’ve completed doctoral research and written a book on the subject...SMILE). I am simply writing it to remind us all that no one’s life is as exclusively pretty as the pictures we perpetually post online—as my doctoral research and new book so tellingly evince from my own life’s ugly challenges. (To get a FREE copy of my Personal Narrative that details these life challenges, e-mail me at jordan.jensen@freedomfocused.com and I will send you a PDF copy, at no cost to you).   

ALL Couples Face Challenges
Sometimes We Fight

The unvarnished truth of the matter – which our perpetually perfect and positive Facebook posts often belie – is that Lina and I are just ordinary human beings who wake up every morning and face weaknesses, shortcomings, temptations, irritability, and fatigue just like everyone else. Sometimes we even fight (disagree), and sometimes vehemently so. This is not to say that we are arguing all the time, or even most of the time, but the fact is that we both have minds of our own, and we each use them independently—and that is a good thing, albeit it can sometimes spawn conflict.

Recently, we had a disagreement that left me so emotionally wound up I ended up throwing one of Tucker’s toys across the room and slamming the door of our bedroom in order to puerilely punctuate my frustration. As I reflect back on this childish behavior—which happened just a few weeks ago, I admit to feeling a little embarrassed. I supposed that Lina was probably equally frustrated; to her credit, she responded a LOT more maturely than I did in the situation. Such it often is with men, it seems.

Over a period of a few days, we both had time to reflect on the incident and the issues surrounding it, communicate on a deeper and more respectful level, and eventually reconcile our differences in an amiable and respectful manner that was borne out of a greater understanding of where the other was coming from. But in the meantime, I'm not gonna lie... it got kind of messy. This was not the first time Lina and I had had a fight (disagreement) in our seven years of marriage, and it will not be the last.

When teaching leadership and management seminars with my professional work, I often share the great truth that conflict itself is not inherently bad – even though it can sometimes get messy. Success in relationships – personal or professional – is not contingent on an absence of conflict, but in how conflict is approached, navigated, and resolved. In truth, without conflict, very little actually gets done in life—and very little growth occurs in relationships. This is not to say we should proactively seek out conflict, but when it occurs – and in real life it inevitably will – there is little value in passively running to hide or aggressively bullying your counterpart.  The higher pathway lies in assertively facing up to it and then respectfully resolving the conflict with an eye single to the equal worth of the other person.

Occasionally you’ll hear a husband or wife make the specious claim that they “never fight.” Whenever I hear such a claim, I figure that they are either a LOT more mature than I am, or that they are doing one of the following:
1. Lying 
2. Not thinking for oneself, or

3. Passively acquiescing to what the other person wants without any regard for one’s own desires in the relationship.
ALL three of these scenarios is much more damaging to the long-term vitality and richness of a relationship than temporary conflict that is respectfully resolved, which can actually serve to strengthen a relationship over time.  I know this is true because the ways in which Lina and I have chosen to respond to our various riffs over the years have served as building blocks that have ultimately strengthened our marriage.  Nevertheless, we (and especially I) still have a long ways to go.

So there you have it my (Facebook) friends—all 951 of you: sometimes Lina and I fight. Yes, it is true: our lives are not as perfect as our Facebook posts suggest, and we are certainly far from being perfect individuals or a perfect couple. Despite this reality, we do have a lot going for us and have much to thank our Heavenly Father for, not the least of which are the blessings of having a best friend, a beautiful lover (well, at least I do), and a cherished counselor and confidante. No, it’s not perfect, but till our dying day, we will strive to follow the advice a former Bishop gave us—to take the word “divorce” out of the dictionary, which can be accomplished by living true to the marital covenants we made to God, the community, our families, and to each other by always striving to put the relationship ahead of our individual, selfish desires—with which we both struggle to varying degrees. 

So… the next time you see someone’s beautiful, pristine, and “perfect” life plastered all over Facebook, remember a great truism: Everyone has problems; if you think you know someone who doesn’t, it just means you don’t know them well enough yet.

As we scroll through our “walls” to see the endless posts uploaded for others to see, it is tempting to compare ourselves to others, whereby feelings of either jealousy or superiority can easily arise, accompanied by prideful musings of resentment or smugness. It can be easy to assume that some people have it much harder (or easier) than we do.

In the midst of such musings and emotional contractions and swellings, we would do well to remember the words of Susan Evans McCloud, who once penned the following quatrain in a famous hymn:
Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can’t see.
My life probably looks a lot different (better) on the outside to others on Facebook than it does on the inside to me, which is one of the reasons I decided to publish to the world the hellish experiences I faced with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and other frightening internal struggles, the vast majority of which were never readily apparent to others. I want to give hope to others who also face challenges, failures, rejections, and disappointments, which in the end, is ALL of us.   

Everyone Faces Challenges

The more I learn about this world’s inhabitants and the diversity of adversity faced by its monumental milieu, the more I realize that in the end, everybody has it hard in one way or another. Moreover, I become increasingly convinced of the great truth taught by Victor Frankl—that masterful psychiatrist and courageous victor of Nazi treachery:
A man’s suffering is similar to the behavior of gas. If a certain quantity of gas is pumped into an empty chamber, it will fill the chamber completely and evenly, no matter how big the chamber. Thus suffering completely fills the human soul and conscious mind, no matter whether the suffering is great or little. Therefore the “size” of human suffering is absolutely relative. [2]
In light of Frankl's astute judgment, let us all strive to judge each other's weaknesses a little less and celebrate each other strengths a little more.  Furthermore, may we not despair when our troubles seem greater than another's; neither let us be jealous when our successes seem less than another's--remembering that for human beings, what seems is often quite different than what actually is.     

In conclusion, I don’t mean to discourage anyone from posting positive (or even perfect looking) pictures on Facebook. Rest assured, Lina and I will continue to do so. Nor do I intend to encourage anyone to begin to unnecessarily or inappropriately air their dirty laundry for others to see. I simply want to influence a greater sense of compassion and a lesser degree of judgment toward our fellows by reminding all of us that we have more in common than we sometimes realize. This is especially true when it comes to our universal experience of life's endless, painful, and often perplexing adversities. Thank God for the hope that Christ has the power to "carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise." [3] 

Lastly, when we do choose to post our perfect pictures, let us do it for the RIGHT reasons—to develop, cultivate, and nurture friendships; to lift, encourage, and inspire others to be happier, healthier, more fulfilled human beings; and to share in the joy of our cherished relationships.

This means that when I post the most beautiful picture I can possibly find of my wife on her birthday, I am picking that photo to honor her and make her feel special and gather the goodwill of our friends to help us celebrate a special occasion -- and not merely to brag to everyone about what a hot wife I have, even though it is true -- I do have a HOT wife!  ... that was also for YOU, Babe.  Xoxo, -JJ


[1] Hymn #220, Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (1985, p. #220).
[2] Frankl, V. E. (2006). Man's Search for Meaning. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Page 44. 
[3] Alma 37:45 (The Book of Mormon).

Putin and Russia-Are they Gog and Magog?

Russian plane
          "According to some commentators about Judaism, the war of Gog and Magog envisioned in Ezekiel 38 is expected to occur in the end of days. This is described to be a climactic war that is said to occur at the end of the Jewish exile. Radak comments on Zechariah 14, that in the end of days Jerusalem will be the battle ground of Gog and Magog.
According to other commentatorsthe long exile has already made up for it  and it will no longer occur."

According to Jewish thought, Gog is a king and his country is called Magog.  This is mentioned in our Tanakh (Bible)  in (Ezekiel. 38-9).  Ezekiel tells of the coming downfall of Gog in the latter years after his attack upon the Land of Israel at the head of  the armies of many peoples.  The Talmud holds that the wars of Gog and Magog will precede the advent of the Messiah.  The concept also figures in Christian and Muslim legend.                                  
These places are in Russia
Gog is the leader of Meshech and Tubal and with them will be Persia (Iran), Cush and Put, Gomer, the house of Togarmah in the uttermost parts of the north, and all its chohorts-many peoples will be with them.  It is said that when all this horde of haters of Israel come upon the soil of Israel, a great earthquake will take place upon the soil.  The war will end with the destruction of Israel's enemies.  This is prophesied to happen after Israel was newly resettled by its people.  This has happened.  Israel came into being again May 14, 1948 and Jews have returned and are still returning.  In fact, anti-Semitism in such places such as France is a big reason why they are returning.  That's what Israel came into being for-Jews were facing such odds and needed their own homeland again.
Exodus, bringing Jews to Palestine who were in peril
Israel is considered the navel or center of the world, and it surely has been the center of news in today's world.  Not all Jews fled their homeland when Jerusalem fell in 70CE.  Many had remained.  Jews have returned after being exiled for 2,000 years from all 4 corners of the earth but have been rebuffed by the  inhabitants of the region because they returned as Jews and not as Muslims.  By the same token, Jews returned to their land after living in Christian and Muslims lands for the past 2,000 years which has not been accepting them, either.  In fact, it was the horrible pogroms of Russia that caused Russian Jews to make aliyah to Palestine, and before that the Crusading attacks on Jews throughout Europe and being exiled from countries periodically  who eventually moved to places like Safed in Palestine.  
So we're all expecting a huge war in the Middle East  where Israel will be attacked by the leader of many nations and here we are in the days of nuclear A bombs.  Could that be now?  We're nearing the year 6,000 by the Jewish calendar, a prodigious but ominous time.  That's when the Messiah is expected.  This is now the year 5776.  We have 224 years to get things right.  It's bad enough that Israel has been hit by thousands of mortars, missiles and rockets from Hamas in Gaza for years and years.  
Hamas Terrorists
As it is today, Israel is facing many dangers.  In the south is Hamas and other terrorists based in Gaza which is to be part of a new state for Arabs, Palestine.  Creating Palestine is the panacea most countries see as the cure-all for the Middle East rumbling, yet the Palestinians are not about to make peace with Israel.  Their goal is not to create a state with which would expect more than they have the skills to do successfully.  Their goal is to drive Jews away so they can just take over what is already there, and I suppose run it to the ground like what had previously happened to the land under the Ottoman Empire for the past 400 years.  They have not been nation-builders.  They almost destroyed Jordan in Black September in 1970-1971.  

In the north are Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist who are getting ready for future attacks on Israel.  From aerial photos released in May, we see these terrorists have moved much of its 100,000 plus rocket arsenal within civilian towns, buffered by human shields.  They've learned how to do this from the Palestinians in Gaza.   Remember, Iran is backed by Russia, too.                          
The PA-Hamas who can't get along and who disagree with each other
In the east, the PA (Palestinian Authority led by 80-81 year old Assad) are refusing to return to peace negotiations that the whole world is banking on. Israel is always willing to restart peace negotiations without preconditions today.  It is expected that if they want peace, there will be peace, but not on conditions that the Palestinians are about to push Israel into the sea and kill off all the Israelis.  Actually, it's tragic that Israel had to see 80% of their promised land go to Jordan, and they are left with a sliver which now has to be cut apart again to allow a 49th Muslim state to be created in the world while the only Jewish state has been cut and cut again into the smallest of slivers while the world becomes more anti-Semitic.
James Foley being beheaded by ISIS terrorist
With all this happening, and Europe is being hit with millions of Muslim refugees fleeing from the savagery happening in the Middle East, the president of Syria, President Bashar Assad has asked Russia to send troops to Syria and Vladimir Putin has responded and is giving him his military support.  Russia has been one of Assad's strongest allies since the Syrian crisis began in March 2011 which has killed more than 250,000 people and of course has now turned millions more into refugees.
The Kremlin says it will only use its air force in Syria, not ground troops.  Today they bombed a rebel city that holds people against Assad.  Sky News in Arabic says that the warplanes were targeting areas in the Governorate of Hama.  I thought CNN had said Homs, both places hit by Assad previously.
Everyone thought they were there to fight against IS, the Islamic State terrorists that are Salafists and so brutal, but places Russia hit were not IS centers.
Moscow sent a General to Iraq's USA office that the USA had one hour to comply with them by not  flying over Syria now.  It is Russian airspace.  Sources inside Syria are reporting at least 27 people are dead in the Russian strikes.  
Iran is our worry in that they are coming into nuclear power and will be able to create A bombs to use on Israel.  Iran is supported by Russia as well.  
Jews could not live in Russia, but the Pale of Settlement.  Here, Tevia and  his daughter live in Ukraine, part of the Pale.  Then they were forced to leave.  
With Russia wanting a port in Syria and helping Syria, the Russian President tells Arab League his country will fight to establish an independent Palestine with a capital in East Jerusalem. Russia doesn't do things without a payoff.  They want to have a hold on Israel.  They've never treated Jews other than 3rd class citizens.  
Resource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_eschatology
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
The Stone Edition of the Tanach-ArtScroll Series

Most Well Received Comment From Pope Francis

Nadene Goldfoot                                                                               

I've been listening to Pope Francis address the many people of our American government this morning.  The thing that surprised me was that there was a picture of Moses on the wall and he addressed Moses. 
Then he spoke about the Golden rule.  I wandered if any realized that came from Hillel, a rabbi from the 1st century BCE.  Hillel had been born in Babylonia being part of the Jews who had been taken from their homeland in Judah by the Babylonians in their attacks in 597 and 586 BCE.  He had been able to move and settled in Palestine.   He then eked out a living by doing manual labor while studying with the greatest of rabbis, Shemaiah and Avtalyon.  Later, he himself became president of the Sanhedrin.  He was noted for his humility and tendency to leniency.

The Christians have changed this comment since he had said it as thus:  Don't do to others what you would not want done to you.  It had come about when someone had asked him to hurry and tell him the essence of Judaism while standing on one foot, and he commented with what was then known as the "Golden Rule."  Now the Christians speak of it as Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The Pope  told his audience that this is the yardstick that we will be measured by.  Yes, we Jews have always thought this.  I repeat, this is the essence of Judaism.
Netanyahu also commented on the image of Moses on the wall when he addressed Congress. "Netanyahu was referencing a marble relief that has hung in the House chamber since 1950, just two years after the modern state of Israel was founded. The bas relief was sculpted of white Vermont marble by artist Jean de Marco, according to the Architect of the Capitol." 

 Netanyahu had said to the listeners, "He then quoted Deuteronomy 31:6, Moses’ parting words to the Israelites, in Hebrew: “Be strong and resolute, neither fear nor dread them.”  It was nice to know that the Pope thought well of Moses being he brought the Israelites The Laws that were to create a better civilization.  
 Jean de Marco in his studio, Peter A. Juley & Son Collection, Smithsonian American Art Museum J0001457

"The artist, Jean  Antoine de Marco, AKA Jean de Marco, was born in Paris, France 1898 and died in 1990, probably in New York City. He was one of our immigrants.  De Marco's work often had religious themes or subjects. Examples of his religious work may be seen at Notre Dame University, the House of Theology in Centerville, Ohio, and the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. His non-religious works include those at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, the Museum of Modern Art and the Brooklyn Museum, and the War Memorial at the Presidio in San Francisco." 

 Does that mean that Moses is not considered "religious?"  What?  Was he to the world just considered a political leader, a philosopher  or simply a leader leading some people on a trek?  Or is it that religious figures cannot be in the Congress's building like the 10 Commandments?  Do they realize it was Moses who gave us the 10 Commandments?  

Reference: NBC TV News

Pope Francis Ignoring Jews on White House Visit

Nadene Goldfoot                                                
The Pope from Rome is coming to meet and speak with President Obama today.  Tonight just happens to be Erev Yom Kippur, meaning the night that the Jewish holiest day of the year is starting.  Coincidence?

Yom Kippur is very special.  Most Jews, if they are able, will attend their synagogue tonight for Kol Nidre and tomorrow morning for Yom Kippur.  They will be fasting after dinner tonight for 25 hours-without drinking any water, which is quite hard to do.  Our narrative is that Moses wrote the 5 books of Moses.  It was Moses who told us to do this.  In Leviticus, 16:29, it says,

"This shall remain for you an eternal decree:  In the 7th moth, on the 10th of the month, you shall afflict yourselves and you shall not do any work, neither the native nor the proselyte who dwells among you.

For on this day he shall provide atonement for you to cleanse you from all your sins before HaShem (translation: (the Word-G-d) shall you be cleansed.

It is a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you shall afflict yourselves;  an eternal decree.  The Kohen, who has been anointed or who has been given the authority to serve in place of his father, shall provide atonement;  he shall don the linen vestments, the sacred vestments....This shall be to you an eternal decree to bring atonement upon the children of Israel for all their sins once a year;  and Aaron did as HaShem commanded Moses."

Kohens are the descendants of Aaron, brother of Moses.  This holiday we will start to celebrate tonight is Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year when our affliction is to fast for  repentance. Many Cohens serving in the synagogue today are really ancestors of the Kohens bearing J1 or J2 DNA haplogroup.  Moses is said to have died in 1271 BCE, so we have been having Yom Kippur for 3,286 years.  Now, Jews make up only about 2% of the American population, but it is mighty strange that the Pope wanted to meet Obama today on such an auspicious Jewish holiday.  Coincidence, you say?  The Pope knows exactly what day today is the start of.

This is indeed a first.  It's the first time Obama will host the Pope who will also be addressing a special session of the House and Senate together.
A Jesuit priest from Argentina, ex officio as Bishop of Rome, and Sovereign of the Vatican City.  Argentina was a country where many Nazis had escaped to after WWII.  I met several Argentinian Jews in my Ulpan in Israel who were learning Hebrew with me.  By 1990, there were 228,000 Jews living in Argentina, mainly in Buenos Aires.  They have been an important part of Argentina's development of industry and commerce.  Assimilation has also helped to depopulate Argentina besides those making Aliyah to Israel.  
Obama gathered up some strange groups to greet Pope Francis today.  I think he's trying to make a point.  There will be the first gay Episcopal bishop of USA, a transgender head of a Catholic group, a nun who runs Network who was disapproved of by the Catholic heads for lobbying for Obamacare.  This was a no-no because it's not liked by Catholics or other religious groups as they have been funding abortions and Catholics by the Feds are now asked to provide birth control for their employees, which is also a no-no.  Then there's always that inevitable photo op that people get together for in the first place.  In Obama's mind these people might be looked on by the Pope as sinners because they are going against what he preaches.  I guess Obama is helping him to find people that need to be saved.
Pope Francis at Western Wall in Jerusalem May 25, 2014 on a 3 day visit to Middle East.  Most of time was spent with Jordan.  At least he took a lot of pictures.  
The Pope and Jews today are not getting along well because of his goings on in the Middle East, visiting Jordan  while holding property in Jerusalem.   The Pope went against Israel completely when he signed a treaty with the PA (Palestinian Authority with Abbas) in which he recognized Palestine as a state. This happened in February 2013.  This is a legal document and constitutes an official recognition.   It is not truly officially one as yet,through the UN,  though they have been trying.  Trying by attacking Israel from Gaza, and being  split and together and split again from Hamas which are terrorists.

Because the Pope did this, Israel's Sanhedrin passed judgement on Pope Francis on September 8th of this year.  A trial and judgement took place on the 20th.  Pope Francis was called  in a summons.  He ignored it, coming to the USA on today.  He was then judged in absentia.  His decision to recognize the Palestinians as a state is the cause of the trial.   Today's Sanhedrin is a religious high court of 71 rabbis.  The Pope's statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem was shocking.  Now the Pope has switched the relations from the PLO to the State of Palestine.  It's a treaty.
Pope Francis and Abbas, head of the Palestinians, the "angel of peace." The two men have much in common, almost same age, both heads of an observer state at UN. 
The Pope has also gone as far as calling Abbas an angel of peace!  In doing all this, Israel sees the significance as the Pope rejecting the Biblical roots of the Jews who live in the land of Israel.  They were led there to live by Moses, and that's what the 5 books all lead up to.  The Jews lived there from 1271 BCE when Moses died till 70 CE when the ROMANS, who had been occupying Jerusalem, attacked the 2nd Temple and burned it down along with the whole city of Jerusalem, causing all the Jews of Judah to flee.

Jews have been very faithful to the Democratic party.  They were attracted by Franklin Delano Roosevelt during WW II when 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust of Europe.  The Democratic Party is like a father to them.  It is said that more than 70% of the Jews of the USA had voted for Obama both times!

Now he's gone against Israel big time by siding with  Iran, a Muslim state who wants to destroy the Jewish state and who we feel is making nuclear power for just that reason.  Up to now, the USA has been Israel's friend, the only  Democratic country sharing values with the USA.

Today the Palestinians are on the same level in the UN with  official observer status, just like the Pope's Vatican.   Of course no Jews should be hanging around the White House today or tomorrow for any receptions or meetings.  They will be in their synagogues.   Such as how our White House schedules events.

The Pope ignored Israel quite a bit when he visited with Jordan recently on his 3 day whirlwind, spending time more with the Palestinians.  .

Resource:  http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/49361/auspicious-timing-of-pope-francis-obama-meeting-on-jewish-judgement-day-jewish-world/?utm_source=Breaking+Israel+News&utm_campaign=4e9c422d54-BIN_morning_09_15&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b6d3627f72-4e9c422d54-83518689#4rwxY7SHRDXbfqg7.97