Truths, Facts, and Predictions: A Freedom Focused Vision of the Future

Chaos leads to Conflict & Creation
As America and the world increasingly devolves into political and domestic chaos, what does the future hold for our troubled land and the nations we have traditionally led?

At Freedom Focused, we think this is an important question.

The precise answer is that nobody knows exactly what future years and decades will bring.  However, we believe that an approximate answer may be plausibly postulated on the basis of historical considerations and present observances.

Historical precedent is one of the best indicators of what is to come.  On the other hand, it also remains blind to the unprecedented.  By balancing these two variables, I believe it is possible to attain a measure of prescience about the future.

The purpose of this article is to present three (3) basic historical truisms and four (4) basic contemporary facts as a preface to making three (3) bold predictions about what the near-mid-term future holds for America and the rest of the world.  My first prediction predictably follows historical precedent and spells bad news for America.  My second and third predictions suggest an unprecedented turn of events that will stand in stark contrast to historical precedents and holds out great hope for America and the rest of the world.


Historically, great powers have almost universally grown lazy and debauched in the midst of their own preeminence and prosperity.  Indeed, in the long run it seems as though power almost always leads to powerlessness with the blame lying squarely with the once powerful.  To illustrate the consistence and profundity of this truism one must merely reflect upon the fact that every superpower our world has ever known has eventually fallen (or been greatly diminished) over time.  Sadly, the United States is heading down a similar road of diminished power, influence, and moral authority with even greater alacrity than many previous superpowers.


Periods of economic expansion and prosperity are almost always followed by periods of economic recession and fiscal contraction.  Periods of extreme economic expansion and prosperity are typically followed by economic depression and/or war.  The lead up to both world wars of the last century provide examples of this pattern.


Good and evil are REAL forces that work in the minds and hearts of men and women in this world.  Despite what postmodernists claim to the contrary, there is no degree of human intellectual sophistication nor social evolution that can categorically extricate evil from the human race.  Whenever and wherever evil is presented with opportunity or an upper hand, it will seek to please and aggrandize itself by destroying whatever (or whoever) stands in the way of its nefarious ends.  Because evil does (and always will) exist in this world, those who are good (who would also be wise) must be constantly vigilant in keeping it in check.  Those who don't, are eventually overcome thereby.


The unprecedented prosperity of the past two generations have, since the 1960s, influenced the United States to become socially prurient, culturally idle, politically cowardly, and militarily soft.


Sub-superpowers around the globe are currently engaged in an undeclared arms race.  These nations include China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.


ISIS and other terrorist groups (primarily Islamic extremist groups), while militarily feeble, have obtained a foothold in dozens of nations around the world and remain determined to wreak as much havoc and engender as much terror as possible.


The response of the Great Western Powers (U.S., Britain, France, Canada, and the E.U.) to ISIS and other growing military threats increasingly resembles the response of those same powers to Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hikeki Tojo in the 1920s and 1930s.

No sane person ever wants a war.  During the last century, the Western Powers were certainly the saner of the world's great powers.

Following the defeat of Germany and the Central Powers in World War I, austere terms were set forth by the victors in the Treaty of Versailles.  Such terms embittered the vanquished and squashed its economy.  Even worse, the terms were never fully enforced.

The victorious and sophisticated Western Powers managed to convince themselves that "enlightened man" would never again engage in the horrors introduced by the Great War.  Moreover, they understandably sought to avoid such a conflict at all costs.  Culturally bruised and economically battered from the greatest conflict in human history up to that point, their long-sought for peace led to a foolish complacency that failed to take into account the lessons of history.  Thus the so-called "war to end all wars" morphed into a "war that was even worse" in the span of a single generation!

To the credit of the post-World War II powers, a full cycle of generations has passed without the world engulfing itself into a World War III.  But are we truly safe from entering into such a feared conflict in the not-too-distant future?  Sophisticated postmodernists of the present era will tell you we are.  They like to speak of inhabitants of the twenty-first century as being too wise and mature to ever spark another conflagration on par with previous global conflicts.  They will tell you we have collectively risen above such things.  Their claim is that we are too smart to ever allow ourselves to repeat such dreaded mishaps of the not-so-distant past (my own Grandfather landed on Utah Beach in June 1944; it wasn't all that long ago).  In fact, a good friend of mine (who in many regards is a postmodernist) recently communicated great optimism to me that we are past stooping to the levels the world lowered itself to in the world wars of the last century; I hope he is right!

For the sake of all of us, let's hope the postmodernists are right.  But since postmodernists are typically wrong about just about everything in the long-run, let's be wise and avoid gambling any of our chips away in their predictably poor-handed pile of cards.

What would an authenticist say about the future of our country?  As one who at least aspires with all his mind and heart to carry the banner of authenticism, I humbly implore your attention to a few predictions.

Grave Days May Lie Ahead

Using only history as my guide, I predict Americans can expect a coming conflict (and perhaps a preceding or concurrent economic depression) in the coming decade that will prove historically analogous to the worst economic recessions or conflicts our nation has ever endured.  History, in conjunction with all the present signs, provide us with enough data to make at least a translucent call on this point.

To read more about how I arrived at this predictive conclusion, click HERE.


Unlike former superpowers who fell from grace and were eventually conquered (or greatly diminished) by the rise of their foes and competitors, I don't believe America is destined for this ultimate decline.  Make no mistake, we are presently in decline, and grave days do lie ahead; nevertheless, I remain confidently optimistic that come what may, the United States of America will ultimately rise to its call to both sanctify its inner core and stave off external foes to continue to stand as the world's military—and more importantly, moral—leader for decades and even centuries to come.  

I also predict that following the conflict, the United States will, over the course of the following two decades, come to lead the world in nearly every quantifiable category.  This means that despite throngs of naysayers, the 21st Century will indeed become a new American Century.

When historians look back on the conflicts that are to come, defeating our external foes will not be viewed as our greatest challenge to victory.  Rather, the process of personal, internal sanctification will be touted as our greatest achievement—and the key to our success in battle (literally and metaphorically).

And who will be the vanguard of this victory?  It won't be the politicians, although they have been and will continue to be right on the forefront of getting us mired in the deep muck that is coming.  It won't be the military, although a rebuilt and robust military will ultimately extricate us from its immediate clutches.  It won't be our economic strength, which may largely fail before it rebounds and prospers.  Nor will it be our industrial capacity, although we will rely on the same for basic subsistence and continued progress.  No, victory will not primarily come from any one of these sectors.


The true leaders of the greatest revival of American power and moral leadership in the world will come from authentic educators, and their greatest work will be done after the visible conflict has already been won.  Who will lead this revival?

The answer is: FREEDOM FOCUSED and its exponents and advocates.

How will we do it?  By fundamentally transforming American pedagogical processes to provide character, leadership, and life-skills education that is undergirded by the philosophy of authenticism as opposed to the philosophy of postmodernism, which has, for the most part, polluted our culture since the end of World War II.

Click HERE to read more about the AGE of AUTHENTICISM

Click HERE to learn more about Postmodernism

The movement of authenticism will begin small as individuals read these articles and sign up for the Freedom Focused blog and buy our seminal textbook: Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal, Professional, & Global Freedom.

It will grow very slowly at first.  In the midst of our chaotic country and world deeply adrift in selfish striving and other profligate diversions, few will pay much attention to our message... until things start to get really bad.  Presently, Freedom Focused will be largely ignored as a relatively lone voice in the wilderness—much like Churchill was largely ignored as he warned vehemently of Hitler and the rise of the Third Reich in Germany in the 1930s.

Political pundits of the 1930s scoffed
at and ostracized Churchill for his
inflammatory caveats regarding Germany's
rearmament and aggression.  In the end,
Churchill's warnings were fully vindicated,
leading this inspired leader to the offices at

#10 Downing Street where he successfully
led the Allied defeat of Nazi Germany 
and Imperial Japan.
As things worsen, however, collective America will begin to wake from its stupor and start to accept the reality that if we don't make a big change, we may very well become obsolete, or worse, extinct.  As that reality sets in, Freedom Focused—like Churchill—will grow in influence and gain a larger audience.  Over time, multitudes will discover that we hold the secret to success, and possess the knowledge and capacity to serve a growing populace in desperate need of Existential Growth.

Initially, most will seek the education and training we offer for survival (literal or metaphorical).  Later, as they begin to taste the sweet fruits of genuine authenticism and savor the rich rewards springing forth in their personal and professional lives and relationships, they will begin to seek after Existential Growth for its own sake—with all of its abundant satisfactions and deep human fulfillments concomitant thereto.

In time, schools, colleges, and universities will begin to embrace the SAL Theory and Model and other, related constructs to the point where, at some distant day—decades down the road—the better part of America—and a growing percentage of the world-at-large—will be devoting up to 25% of their overall curriculum to character and leadership-based courses and training that are rarely if ever offered today.

Click HERE to learn more about the SAL Theory & Model.

Entire courses will be made available in topics such as honesty, integrity, courage, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, spirituality, social and emotional intelligence, personal finance, self-thought processes and training, mental health, and good vs. evil.  Courses such as these—and many others that contemporary postmodernists would laugh at and never allow under the roofs of their "sophisticated" institutions—will be required fare at most of the nation's public and private schools and universities.

These schools will not be mandated to carry such curriculum.  There will be no governmental fiat or injunction to install these pedagogical measures.  Rather, humbled by the national crucibles just recently passed through, the collective populace will desire such a curriculum of their own volition in an effort to spare their children and grandchildren from the disasters they themselves had to face.  Like a blitzkrieg, this movement will begin to sweep nation's under its feet.  Unlike a blitzkrieg, its spread will come at the request of those in its wake rather than combatively coerced by thug invaders.

What then will be the result of this remarkable educational shift?  The answer is that America—spurred on by this powerful pedagogy of personal leadership—will enter her greatest period of collective growth and prosperity in her 250-year history.  Contemporaries of these future generations will look back and chuckle at how far we thought we had come in the second decade of the twenty-first century.  Citizens of the mid-twenty-first century will view those at the turn of the twentieth century much the way Americans of the 1990s and 1980s reflected back on the 1920s and 1930s.

What then comes after that?  I purposely refrain from making any predictions beyond this.  I am not a prophet; I am a philosopher-historian, poet, and pedagogue; I therefore openly acknowledge that my historical-educational predictions could turn out to be faulty.  But come what may, Freedom Focused is destined to prosper and proliferate because it operates under a standard of truth, transparency, integrity, decency, and competence.  No organization thus endowed could ever fail except by abandoning its own principles.

As for further predictions, such as those concerning "the end of the world," religionists provide many clues from their sacred texts that you may or may not find value in perusing.  As a secular institution, we are not in the business of trying to call such shots.  We are, however, very interested in the next 30-50 years, and therein lies our focus.  We believe a stellar comprehension of the past combined with an incisive observance of the present can provide at bare minimum a translucent vision of the future, and these are our general predictions.

We invite you to begin bolstering the movement of authenticism today by signing up for our blog, visiting our website, and buying our seminal textbook.

The more prepared you are for the coming conflict, the greater the odds become that you will live to see and enjoy the wonders and prosperity that will follow its successful conclusion.  We hope you'll join our movement, which will not only survive the coming conflict, but will in fact lead America out of it—and beyond.

God Bless the United States of America—a blessed land of promise—now, and always.

Click HERE to buy a copy of Dr. Jordan Jensen's new book, Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal, Professional, & Global Freedom.


SELF-ACTION LEADERSHIP is the key catalyst for initiating transformational leadership that lasts in any organization. The truth of the matter really is that simple; and the transformation of organizations through the holistic development of individuals really is that difficult—yet altogether possible for anyone willing to invest the time, effort, and sacrifice required to achieve authentic, transformational results.

Unlike any training program that has ever preceded it, Self-Action Leadership provides a single vehicle wherewith individual self-leaders can discover—and then act—upon the great truth that HOLISTIC personal development and growth spanning the mental, moral, spiritual, physical, emotional, and social elements of our individual natures is within the grasp of each one of us.

Note: Freedom Focused is a non-partisan, for-profit, educational corporation. As such, we do not endorse or embrace political figures. We do, however, comment from time-to-time on historical or political events that provide pedagogical backdrops to illuminating principles contained in the SAL Theory & Model.

Click HERE to learn more about the SAL Theory & Model.

To receive weekly articles from Freedom Focused & Dr. Jordan R. Jensen, sign up with your e-mail address in the white box on the right side of this page where it says "Follow by E-mail."

Click HERE to read more about Dr. Jensen's book, Self-Action Leadership, and to review what experts in the leadership field are saying about this groundbreaking new personal development handbook.

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan R. Jensen.

Click HERE to visit the Freedom Focused website.


Who's Israel Safe With-Clinton or Trump?

Nadene Goldfoot                                                                
Clinton's daughter Chelsea, husband Marc Mezvinsky and baby Charlotte now expecting
 a 2nd this summer.  Marc is  is an American investment banker, co-founder of hedge fund Eaglevale Partners.
Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka , husband Jared Corey Kushner and grandchildren Arabella Rose and Joseph Frederick  with one baby not in picture.  Ivanka has converted to Judaism.  Jared is
 an American businessman and investor. He is principal owner of the real estate holding and development company,  Kushner Properties,  and the newspaper publishing company, 
 The New York Observer.

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's children have married Jewish men. Both daughters have children. Ivanka and Chelsea are friends.   That should be reason enough that regardless of who is in the power throne of President of the USA, Israel will be safe with this country.  It's not enough of a guarantee.  What is each person like in regards to a Jewish country?  What's their track record?

Hillary was the presidential contender in 2008 with Obama and lost. Obama has been about the worst president as far as Israel goes.   For an outstanding student and lawyer, Hillary has been Obama's  Secretary of State, making several gross errors while serving.   She  has been carrying on his wishes as far as Israel has been concerned.  The one good act of hers has been to argue against Bernie Sanders about Israel, which  gives her some good points.                                      
Hillary Diane Clinton nee Rotham was born October 26, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois,
the oldest of 3 children with 2 younger brothers.  
Hillary is the daughter of Hugh Ellsworth Rodham, Republican, Methodist and textile wholesaler of Pennsylvania.  He died in 1993. His father was English, an immigrant from County Durham, while his mother was born in Pennsylvania, to Welsh immigrant parents one of which was from Merthyr Tydfil; Both were descended from lines of coal miners.
Her mother was Dorothy Emma Howell.  Hillary switched from a Republican to Democrat in 1968.  

Now let's look at her long record.                          
1974 UN Address of Arafat
1974:  Hillary told friends she was "sympathetic" to the PLO and Yasser Arafat during the early 1970s during days of Nixon.  Hillary had tried to convince Bill, her husband-would be president  1993-2001  that Arafat was a "freedom fighter' just trying to free his people from their Israeli "oppressors."  So this is where her attitude started towards Israel.

1986: Bill was governor of Arkansas and Hillary brought in the Israeli literacy program, HOME INSTRUCTION FOR PARENTS OF PRESCHOOL YOUNGSTERS (Hippy) for a major school reform push and it was a huge success.  The still use it in 21 USA states.  That was a move showing trust of something from Israel.
1998:  Hillary laid out her own vision for the Middle East and declared support for an independent Palestinian state before Bill said a thing.  She was hailed in Israel and Judea/Samaria as the champion of Palestinian statehood.  She praised the leadership of Chairman Arafat in the peace process and hope for the future.  She doesn't show any knowledge of his history against Israel and all the deaths he had caused.
1949:  Israel was left with 20% of the original 100% Jewish Homeland promise,
and now USA presidents and Europe are trying to take half of Israel for
a Palestine that has never existed before.  80% had gone to Saudi prince Abdullah who
wanted to be a king, and Britain owed them a reward.
1999:  Hillary visited Ramallah (Arab town) and Arafat's wife, Suha, accused Israel of poisoning their water supply and land in Judea and Samaria-where Jews also lived.  Hillary gets her picture taken with her embracing and kissing Suha on the cheek.  Later Hillary said it was just diplomatic protocol.  We know she's crazy about Arafat and the whole idea of taking credit for causing a Palestine state.
Suha and Hillary
       Working both sides, Hillary wrote a letter to Orthodox Union saying Jerusalem is the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel and if elected as senator will advocate moving the Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  Does she realize that Palestinians also want Jerusalem?  I don't think so, as she is offering this now to the Jews.  Compensation for a state?  Maybe.
2000:  "Hillary accepts a campaign donation from the Muslim Brotherhood-linked American Muslim Alliance's Mass. Chapter and tried to hide it by recording the donation on federal filing forms as being from the "American Museum Alliance."  Her best co-worker in State Dept office and also her friend  is Huma Abedin, daughter of Muslim Brotherhood leaders.  She eventually returned the funds after 4 months.   Hillary now says it's up to Arafat to stop violence and maintain a cease fire reached YESTERDAY, and to make it clear that violence is not acceptable...His life has been one big violent act with Israel.

2006:  Near UN, a rally was held supporting Israel to take whatever steps necessary to defend against Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Syria.  She spoke while picturing this happening from Mexico on USA soil shooting rockets at us.  She was candidate for US Senator from NY.

2007:  Hillary told Palestinian Media Watch that we must stop the propaganda which Palestinian children are being exposed..  She sponsored S. Res. 92 calling for immediate and unconditional release of soldiers of Israel held captive by Hamas and Hezbollah.   She voted that Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps were a terrorist group and that Hamas's governing of Gaza should not be recognized until the terror group renounced violence and terror and recognized Israel's right to exist.  All this is excellent !
Then again, a close associate of Yasser Arafat, Palestinian lobbyist Hani Masri, raised more than $100,000 for Clinton's 2008 Presidential campaign which she lost to Obama.
2008:  Clinton supported "limited talks" with Hamas if Israel deems it to be in its best interests.  She refused to answer anything about Iran reaching nuclear capability.  She said she hated the Hamas rocket attacks on southern Israel and so Israel has the right to defend its citizens.  She called on Hamas to stop.  They didn't.  She blamed Bush for not stopping the attacks-permanently, evidently.  On ABC Good Morning America, she asserted that if President, the USA could totally obliterate Iran in retaliation for a nuclear strike against Israel.  This to me is like closing the barn door after the horses got out.  A lot of good that will do for the  7 million people of Israel. .This is her planning strategy.    Well, glad you'll retaliate-USA.  You'll miss us.

2009:  Sidney Blumentahl wrote "Republican Gomorrah", a book by his son, an anti-Israel activist and Hamas supporter, Max Blumenthal.  Yes, we do have our sickos.   " It is a bestiary of dysfunction, scandal, and crime from the heart of the movement that runs the Republican Party.   Hillary wrote to him and said "It's great.  Congrats to all!"  She doesn't like the Republicans.  He also later wrote "and Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013).  He had been Hillary Clinton's Aide while the Secretary of State.  How supportive of Israel can Hillary truly be when surrounded by haters? So far, Obama, as a friend, spells trouble for Israel with friends like him..   The abject snobbery he has given to Netanyahu makes my head spin.  it's not love, that's for sure.  

In May she told Al Jazeera (Arab newspaper/TV station that we want to see a stop to Israeli settlement construction, additions, natural growth--any kind of settlement activity.  That is what the president Obama has called for.  Then, at a press conference with Egypt's foreign minister, she said Obama wants to see a stop to settlements, no exceptions.  
Yoni Netanyahu
PM Benjamin Netanyahu

2010:  Clinton spoke to Prime Minister  Netanyahu for 45 minutes rebuking him for his decision to move ahead with 1,600 new housing units in eastern Jerusalem.  Sidney Blumenthal (father) offers her an armchair psychiatric analysis of Netanyahu in memo.  His email is that Netanyahu is haunted by fear that he can't equal his dead brother, Yoni, and so can't measure up for his father.  Evidently to Hillary,Netanyahu isn't allowed to   make decisions on his own.   Sidney is no psychologist.  He's is an American journalist, activist, writer and former political aide. He is a former aide to President Bill Clinton; a long-time confidant to Hillary Clinton; and a journalist,  Hillary does have Jewish friends.  
Egged Bus in Israel
2011:  Clinton hears about gender segregation on buses in Jerusalem and thinks it's the same as USA's Rosa Parks situation of 1955, a black who refused to give up her seat to a white person in Alabama's South.  She knew nothing about the Orthodox Jews who will not sit in mixed company, even in the synagogue.  Israel's finance minister, Yuval Steinitz said her remark was "completely exaggerated."  At the same time, the American ambassador to Israel, Thomas Pickering, was also out of line.  This advisor to Clinton suggested that the US covertly generate  Palestinian unrest to push the Israelis to jump-start stalled peace talks.  He wants to use nonviolent protests and demonstrations to put peace back in the center of their aspirations and thoughts, influence the political leadership, he wrote.  Little does he realize he's asking to start an intifada, as things never remain peaceful with these highly strung excitable people.  He said that Netanyahu cannot deliver anything the Palestinians can accept without our help.  This is the rhetoric she is immersed in; scheming, plotting against Israel, an Israel that she doesn't even understand a thing about of  their culture or religion.  
                                                                                         2012: Hillary's foreign policy aide, Jake Sullivan, met in secret with Iranian diplomats in Oman.  He made no progress over Iran's nuclear program.  She and the White House met for 6 more months and decided that they would let Iran  finish enriching uranium at small levels.  It was their best bet to get diplomacy to succeed with them.  
Palestinian Hamas terrorist of Gaza-Hamas took over Gaza
Not a word about Palestinians attacking Jews all the time, Hillary? Israel has been
doing more for Palestinians than their own people have.   

   Clinton spoke at the Saban Forum and said that Israel lacked generosity and empathy towards Palestinians!   Her email had a quote from Netanyahu telling the newspaper, Jerusalem Post, "We have 2 main enemies....the New York Times and Haaretz, which is an extreme leftist newspaper.  Clinton replied with sarcasm, "Further Bibi lore."  Everyone in Israel knows this.  I know it.  She doesn't realize how it stands out like a sore thumb!  
                                                                             Image result for Clinton's book, Hard Choices, picture2014:  Clinton wrote her memoir, "HARD CHOICES."  Her characterization of Israel is as an occupying force.  She wrote about a 1981 trip she took with her husband and said that Palestinians were denied the dignity and self-determination that we take for granted.  She also mentions that her hard line she took on Israeli settlements didn't work for her, but that Obama's stance against Israel hardened Abbas's position.  Duh.  That's exactly what we knew would happen.  Then she was trying to rewrite her position on settlements, according to Noah Pollak, executive director of the Emergency Committee for Israel.  He said she knows that her past 5 years being against Israel is not helpful to her presidential ambition, so she now is trying to distance herself by downgrading her involvements.  

     Clinton was silent about Sec. of State John Kerry threatening that Israel could be an apartheid state if a 2-state solution is not reached soon.  Jewish groups spoke out against Kerry's remark, but of course not Clinton.  She was one of the first to  promote a 2 state solution.  

2015:  Earl F. Hilliard, former Rep. member of Alabama 1993-2003, blamed her presidential campaign defeat on Jewish interests and the Jewish media to her  Alabama leadership team when she appointed him with them.  He's one of the most vocal opponents of Israel in Congress.  She and her campaign team reached out to opponents of the Iran deal, including American Jewish leaders.  A number of Jewish leaders said they remained concerned about the agreement, but that Clinton wasn't facing the same criticism as Obama.  

Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the USA, wrote in his memoir, " Ally:  My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide" that he was consistently rebuffed when he tired to meet with Clinton on the grounds that SHE DID NOT RECEIVE AMBASSADORS while she was Sec. of State.  She wrote:  I am deeply committed to Israel's future as a secure and democratic Jewish state, and just as convinced that the only way to guarantee that outcome is through diplomacy.  And while no solution can be imposed from outside, I believe the US has a responsibility to help bring Israelis and Palestinians to the table and to encourage the difficult but necessary decision that will lead to peace.  Then it turned into a political aspiration with her saying, "When I am President,I will never stop working to advance the goal of 2 states for 2 peoples living in peace, security and dignity.  

2016:  Hillary spoke at the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines in Iowa and noted that Abbas of Palestinians has never stopped  cooperation with Israel on security, even when there had been outbursts of terrorism;  even when Hamas has tried to provoke such a breach.  She said this when Israel was blaming Abbas for inciting a terror wave in Israel through Abbas saying that the Jewish state is trying to change the status quo at the Temple Mount holy site.  It's as if she were out to lunch, not knowing what was going on or why, and was the last to blame the Palestinians for anything, including terror waves.  This is similar to her not knowing what was going on with the native population in Ben Gazi when it was her job to keep her ambassadors safe.  

She came right out and admitted that tossing Israel was a choice she made-albeit a hard one.  I'm afraid that's what so many have said.  She's no different.  She has shown her political side in empathizing with Israel in the beginning, but then being enamoured with the Palestinians and Arafat as she went along.  
                                                            Now to look at Donald Trump.  
Mary Anne Trump nee MacLeod, mother of Donald. 
Trump family portrait with Donald on left.
At age 13 he was sent to the New York  Military Academy for schooling.  

The school counts other well-off and famous alumni such as composer Stephen Sondheim, bandleader Les Brown and mobster John Gotti Jr., among numerous other leaders in business, military and the art world.  
Donald  Trump, b:June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York, 
holding his newest grandson, Theodore James Kushner.   
4th of 5 children, Donald is the son of Frederick Christ Trump, real estate developer, born in the Bronx whose paternal grandparents  were from Germany.  His grandfather was born in Kallstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate, immigrating in 1885.  
His mother was Mary Anne Trump, born in Scotland.  
 He missed the baby's Bris by thumping on the road.  Donald says that he is of Presbyterian faith.  Trump switched from being a Democrat to Republican recently,
the 5th time he's changed according to Washington Times.    

Can Trump be a better friend of Israel?  He comes to us with no experience in dealing with Israel. He builds hotels.  He's not a politician.  You can tell by the way he talks; rough, like contractors might.  He's a straight shooter who has changed his mind a lot.  Either he is growing and learning or the parties are changing and no longer suit his taste.   Trump has ties to the Jewish-American community. At an Algemeiner Journal awards ceremony honoring him with the Algemeiner Liberty Award, he was asked about having Jewish grandchildren. Trump said: "Not only do I have Jewish grandchildren, I have a Jewish daughter,  Ivanka, who converted to Judaism before her marriage to Jared Kushner  and I am very honored by that ... it wasn't in the plan but I am very glad it happened

2004:  "In Spring 2004, at the height of violence in the Gaza Strip, I was the Grand Marshal of the 40th Salute to Israel Parade, the largest single gathering in support of the Jewish state."
2015: Trump has a pre-requisite before coming to the table for peace talks.  "The Palestinians must come to the table knowing that the bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable. They must come to the table willing and able to stop the terror being committed on a daily basis against Israel and they must come to the table willing to accept that Israel is a Jewish State and it will forever exist as a Jewish State."  Israel has also been waiting for this to happen, but the Arabs had a meeting on Sept. 1, 1967 in Khartoum where they said no to 3 things, and they have stuck by them.  All this gets their NO.  This has been the problem.  

 In Speaking in November to AIPAC in Alabama, "I came here to speak to you about where I stand on the future of American relations with our strategic ally, our unbreakable friendship, and our cultural brother, the only democracy in the Middle East, the State of Israel. Over 2,000 people heard him speak.  

My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran. I have been in business a long time. I know deal-making and let me tell you, this deal is catastrophic - for America, for Israel, and for the whole Middle East.  When I'm president, believe me, I will veto any attempt by the UN to impose its will on the Jewish state. You see, I know about deal-making - that's what I do. 
He knows about the hatred and books taught to Arabs by Arabs. like Hilary knows.  "In Palestinian society, the heroes are those who murder Jews - we can't let this continue. You cannot achieve peace if terrorists are treated as martyrs. Glorifying terrorists is a tremendous barrier to peace.
In Palestinian textbooks and mosques, you've got a culture of hatred that has been fermenting there for years, and if we want to achieve peace, they've got to end this indoctrination of hatred. There is no moral equivalency. Israel does not name public squares after terrorists. Israel does not pay its children to stab random Palestinians."
2016:  He said, "“Don’t get confused there in Israel: I am currently your biggest friend. My daughter is married to a Jew who is an enthusiastic Israel supporter, and I have taken part in many Israel Day Parades.  My friendship with Israel is very strong.”
“My friendship with Israel is stronger than any other candidate’s. I want to make one thing clear: I want to strike a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. It is what I aspire to do. Peace is possible, even if it is the most difficult agreement to achieve. As far as I understand, Israel is also interested in a peace deal. I’m not saying I’ll succeed, or even that an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is within reach, but I want to try. But in order for an agreement to happen, the Palestinians need to show interest. It’s a little difficult to reach an agreement when the other side doesn’t really want to talk to you."  

My comment to Trump is that Israel has been trying to reach an agreement since 1948 and this must be getting a little old.  Now is not the time.  It's up to Netanyahu to know when.  68 years of trying leads me to realize that Palestinians, run by Hamas terrorists, have agreed with their peers   to say NO. He and Clinton need to read about the Khartoum meeting they had with their peers agreeing to the 3 NOs in September 1967 after the Six Day War.  

On Iran, “This deal was the worst deal that Israel could have gotten. Think about it: Beyond the deal itself, Iran also received $150 billion. And to think that they signed that deal without discussing it with Israel! As far as I’m concerned, this deal is the worst thing that ever happened to Israel. There is a clause in it that stipulates protecting Iran’s nuclear facilities should they come under attack. You have to read it to believe it. It may very well be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t understand what it means, that America will attack Israel if Israel attacks Iran? That’s ridiculous.”  
 2015:   Trump said, "We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem - and we will send a clear signal that there is no daylight between America and our most reliable ally, the state of Israel." He was reading his speech.  
2016:  On moving the embassy to Jerusalem, Trump now says in February 2016 that he likes the idea. 

Trump maintains relationships with several prominent national evangelical and Christian leaders, including Tony Perkins  the evangelical president of the Family Research Council-a conservative policy and lobbying organization based in Washington, D.C  who has endorsed Ted Cruz, .and Ralph Reedconservative American political activist, best known as the first executive director of the Christian Coalition during the early 1990s..  During his 2016 presidential campaign, he received a blessing from Greek Orthodox priest Emmanuel Lemelson

 “There is still a long way to go, but we are on the right track. If I make it to the White House, you will have a true friend there.”

Israelis favored Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in the 2012 United States presidential election by a 57 percent to 22 percent margin.  I agreed with this choice.  This year?  Someone who's good for the free world, they say.  

Update 5/4/16-Trump is now the official Republican running for President.  Clinton lost to Sanders in Indiana.  She's still ahead, though.  
