In last week's post, I shared the video clip on Postmodernism. Today, I follow up that video clip by providing two additional clips that provide the answer to the troubled age of postmodernism that has dominated American Society in post-World War II generations. The answer can only come in a whole new age that is destined to eclipse postmodernism. The name of this age is: The AGE of AUTHENTICISM.

If you are receiving this message via e-mail, the video clips will not show up below. Just click on the blue title -- The AGE of AUTHENTICISM -- at the top of your screen to access the video clip by visiting the actual blog site.

Self-Action Leadership Seminar clip

Dr. Jensen's Education Speech clip

New Self-Action Leadership Book Coming Soon!

You may have noticed that I have published blogs more sporadically the past few weeks. This is because I have been busy at work completing the manuscript of my new book: Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal & Professional Freedom. I will be submitting the manuscript to the publisher on Friday, May 1st. I hope to have hard copies available within the next 4-6 weeks.

Now that the book is finally done, I will return to a posting blog articles on a consistent schedule. With the book nearing its completion, the plan moving forward is to post a blog once a week. Tentatively, blogs will be published on Tuesday, although it may occasionally come on a later day of the week. I intend to continue publishing a weekly blog post for the rest of my career with Freedom Focused.  I hope you will choose to remain a subscriber indefinitely as well.  Thank you for your interest in and support of this material! Without you, the reader, my work would have little meaning.

The Perils of Postmodernism

In today's post, Dr. Jensen discusses the period of postmodernism, and describes some of its perils as well as the negative consequences it has had on our society since World War II. This video is a prelude to the introduction of the AGE of AUTHENTICISM, which Jensen predicts will eventually eclipse postmodernism as the dominant cultural idea in the United States and throughout the world.

SAL Seminar: Self-Action Leadership Explained

In today's post, we follow up on last week's self-leadership video with two videos that introduce Self-Action Leadership, including how it differs from regular self-leadership.

If you are receiving this message via e-mail, the video clips will not show up below. Just click on the blue title -- Self-Action Leadership -- at the top of your screen to access the video clip by visiting the actual blog site.

Self-Action Leadership defined from the SAL Seminar

Self-Action Leadership defined from Dr. Jensen's Speech on Education

SAL Seminar: Self-Leadership

Today's post shares a video segment on self-leadership from Dr. Jensen's recent live SAL seminar. Before defining, explaining, and highlighting what Self-Action Leadership (SAL) is, it helpful to first be clear on what self-leadership is.  In next Tuesday's post, we will share two follow-up video segments that address Self-Action Leadership, and explain specifically how it differs from self-leadership.

If you are receiving this message via e-mail and the video clip does not show up below, just click on the blue title -- Self-Leadership -- at the top of your screen to access the video clip by visiting the actual blog site. 

Dr. Jordan Jensen defines & explains self-leadership 
and its importance in our lives.

SAL Seminar: Dr. Jensen Introduces Self-Action Leadership Theory

Click on video below to listen to Dr. Jensen introduce his groundbreaking theory of self-leadership.  If the video does not show up on your e-mail screen, click on the blue title above to access the actual blog site.

From One Simple Man to Another: My Tribute to Bill O'Reilly

FoxNews' Bill O'Reilly gets a bad rap in many sectors of American society, but the cold, calculating reality is that Mr. O'Reilly is one of the most honest, authentic, and important journalists that has ever reported, or commented on, news in the United States. And amazingly, he has done it in one of the most inauthentic eras in American history.

Like him or hate him, integrity demands that you respect him.  Unfortunately, the dishonesty, disingenuity, and disillusionment of our collective populace in 2016 is sufficiently viral to vibrantly support the slander and vitriol as long as Bill remains in the public eye, but when this media giant finally does retire (hopefully not for a very long time), fair-minded persons everywhere will respectfully pay homage to this journalist among journalists.

Bill O'Reilly's storied rise to fame is quintessentially American.  He was raised in Levittown, a classic post-World War II sprawling suburban working-class neighborhood on Long Island.  His parents were ordinary citizens bereft of fame, fortune, or name recognition, although they did pass along plenty of spirited Irish blood to their son.

Schooled by Catholic Nuns, little Billy was far from being a perfect child or student, but this "Bold, Fresh, Piece of Humanity" was always authentic.  Along the way he learned several life lessons that would be keys to his future success.

1. STAY SOBER. In Bill's book, "A Bold, Fresh, Piece of Humanity," he describes going to a party with a girl as a young man.  After arriving at the party and discovering drugs were being used there, his date replied, "Far out," to which Bill responded, "I'm out," and forthwith left the party.  All Americans would benefit from following Bill's disciplined example regarding the use of drugs and alcohol.

2. GET EDUCATED. While not always a model student, Bill endured the strict tutelage of the Nuns to eventually study abroad, successfully graduate from college, and earn two master's degrees from Boston University (broadcast journalism) and Harvard (MPA).

3. WORK HARD & PLAY BY THE RULES.  As a kid and teenager Bill was an avid athlete who played hard in all the childhood games and sports that he and his fellow Long Island urchins cherished.  Playing hard as a youth evolved into working hard as a man.  As a young kid supporting himself through college, Bill became an entrepreneur painting houses on Long Island where he worked long hours and raked in handsome amounts of cash for his lowly station in life at the time. As a journalist, he took nothing for granted.  Through grit, hard work, persistence, and a determination to pursue opportunities he was passionate about, he eventually worked his way to the highest levels of his profession -- a level he has maintained for an unprecedented 15 years and running.

The formula for success in America, while rarely easy, has never been particularly complicated.  If you stay sober, get educated, and then work hard and play by the rules, you are, with very few exceptions, guaranteed to eventually find success in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

While it is true that the American success formula has been more complicated for some individuals and groups of people throughout our spotted history than others, the United States remains the greatest provider of collective opportunity in the world -- especially if you are willing to focus on individual effort and personal potential rather than collective grievances.  And no one is more courageous in calling out those who promote the latter over the former than Mr. O'Reilly.

There are many reasons I admire and respect Bill O'Reilly.  I suppose my admiration stems in part from the fact that I see some of myself in Bill.  After all, I am a middle-class kid from rural Utah who loves history, is passionate about education, and had to work my butt off to earn everything I've achieved both personally and professionally.

But there are other, more important, reasons I venerate this titan of television news commentary. First, I admire Bill's authenticity; second, I respect his integrity; and third, I revere his generosity and compassion towards those in need.

First, a word about Bill's authenticity.  In employing the term, "authenticity," I am not referring to mere uniqueness or originality, but to the integrity one exercises towards oneself as well as to one's principles.  Thank you, Bill, for being a classic authenticist.  I believe an AGE of AUTHENTICISM is is the early stages of eclipsing the morally perilous postmodern era that has so dramatically wounded the ethical vibrance of our nation, and you, Mr. O'Reilly, have been a leading voice -- if not the leading voice -- in this movement.  My work is yet unknown, but when I am your age and the Age of Authenticism is credited with changing the course of American History, your name will appear among a short list of powerful authenticists that made this welcomed shift possible.

Second, a word about Bill's integrity.  Anyone who watches the O'Reilly Factor consistently will know that Bill stands as ready to critique and, when necessary, criticize a Republican as he is a Democrat.  He is just as willing to lecture President Bush or Speaker Boehner as he is President Obama or Senator Reid.  My company, Freedom Focused, champions an aristotelian Golden Mean as one means of accessing the truth about a given matter.  Thank you, Bill, for being the Golden Mean of the American media, and for giving such a powerful voice to Independent Americans.  

Third, a word about Bill's compassion and generosity. While Bill is known for an impassioned and spirited vocality, and what some consider to be an intimidating and bellicose demeanor and presentation, none of this can mask the remarkable compassion Bill feels towards those in need.  And he puts his money where his mouth -- and heart -- is by regularly extending portions of his considerable fortune to a variety of worthy philanthropic causes.  He is especially conscious of supporting our Troops, whereby he shares his prodigious platform and microphone with others who are also eager to help.  And I know Bill's giving does not end on the air.  I often wonder how much money Mr. O'Reilly gives away without ever telling his audience about it -- and he tells his audience about it on a regular basis.  A genuine Christian man, I doubt anyone will ever know the full extent of Bill's generous giving.  

As an A-list journalist, he is perhaps unmatched in his courage and willingness to criticize pop cultural icons, politicians, and others who proliferate media content and support policies that are harmful to children and others--even when he knows doing so will be unpopular, and that his comments will be crucified online and elsewhere.  Adore him or despise him, in this age of moral opacity and entropy, everyone always knows where Bill O'Reilly stands--something you can't say about many high profile journalists and leaders in this country.  Thank God someone in the USA with enormous power is willing to consistently stand on the side of modesty, propriety, and integrity.  

In a world dominated by political correctness and ideological loyalty (often at the expense of honesty and decency), Bill O'Reilly -- ever worthy of his famous moniker: A Bold, Fresh, Piece of Humanity -- remains ever true to his principles.  You may not like his principles, but how can you not admire someone as successful, rich, and well traveled as Bill, who, after all these years, remains true to the same code of ethics and principles he was brought up with in Levittown.  Perhaps ironically, it is this integrity to principle that has led to his unprecedented success.  A successful project, job, or year can be lucked or timed into.  But a successful career at the very top of one's industry that leaves a positive, lasting legacy attached thereto must always be earned the old-fashioned way, and YOU, Bill O'Reilly, have earned it.

Thank you, Mr. Bill, for your fine example of what it means to be successful in America and still live with integrity.  Thank you for your courage to speak the truth, especially when it is unpopular to do so.  And most of all, THANK YOU for the profound influence you have had on my life and career.  I hope for the opportunity to someday meet you.

As a way of expressing my gratitude, I referenced you via one of your self-appointed titles in the opening line of a recent public address I gave on EDUCATION at Lone Star College of the Woodlands (North Houston, Texas).  Click HERE to view Dr. Jensen reference Bill O'Reilly in the opening line of his groundbreaking speech on Education.

The Most Important EDUCATIONAL Message of the 21st Century

Dr. Jordan R. Jensen
Freedom Focused Founder & CEO, Dr. Jordan R. Jensen, Proudly Presents a Groundbreaking new Theory & Model of self-leadership.

View Speech & Seminar in two full-length VIDEOS below.

Video #1: A 21st Century Vision of Education in America

In this video speech, A 21st Century Vision of Education in America, Dr. Jordan R. Jensen introduces Self-Action Leadership with its focus of self-reliance, personal responsibility, and character development as the foundation of a holistic EDUCATION capable of restoring American Greatness and reanimating the American Dream for a whole new generation of U.S. citizens.

This speech was delivered on February 21, 2015 at Lone Star College of the Woodlands, Texas (Houston).

Video #2: Introducing the Self-Action Leadership Theory & Model

In this video seminar, Self-Action Leadership (SAL), Dr. Jensen unveils the SAL theory & model and its aims to fundamentally transform American EDUCATIONAL paradigms in the 21st Century.

This seminar was taught at Lone Star College of the Woodlands, TX (Houston on February 21, 2015.